眼差しの記憶/ Figure with Memory


対象を一つの塊として捉える方法はないのかを模索し、記憶される姿とも訳される〈眼差しの記憶 Figure with Memory〉という三重露光にした写真作品シリーズ。

I looked for a way to capture the subject as a single mass, and created a series of triple-exposure photographs called Figure with Memory, which could also be translated as “remembered figure.”
I had two motivations for producing this series. The first was Francis Bacon (1909-92). It was he who made me wonder if we could create such a bizarre image of human beings by staring at the instant in which humans are moving. I was also influenced by the words of Saburo Teshigawara (1953-), a dancer. His thinking was that you can look forward with your eyeballs, but behind them is only transparency or darkness.
The outline of the perceived object in a triple-exposure work naturally becomes ambiguous. It may sound strange to say this, but it is precisely the overall “figure” that clarified what was ambiguous, and I felt this presented a valuable “figure” that could break through the concept of this “transparency behind the eyeballs.”